Broadcom AppNeta Technical (250-578) Certification Sample Questions

Broadcom 250-578 VCE, AppNeta Technical Dumps, 250-578 PDF, 250-578 Dumps, AppNeta Technical VCEGetting knowledge of the Broadcom 250-578 exam structure and question format is vital in preparing for the Symantec AppNeta Technical Specialist certification exam. Our Broadcom AppNeta Technical sample questions offer you information regarding the question types and level of difficulty you will face in the real exam. The benefit of using these Broadcom 250-578 sample questions is that you will get to check your preparation level or enhance your knowledge by learning the unknown questions. You will also get a clear idea of the exam environment and exam pattern you will face in the actual exam with the Symantec AppNeta Technical Specialist Sample Practice Test. Therefore, solve the Broadcom AppNeta Technical sample questions to stay one step forward in grabbing the Broadcom AppNeta Technical Specialist credential.

These Broadcom 250-578 sample questions are simple and basic questions similar to the actual Broadcom AppNeta Technical questions. If you want to evaluate your preparation level, we suggest taking our Symantec AppNeta Technical Specialist Premium Practice Test. You might face difficulties while solving the real-exam-like questions. But, you can work hard and build your confidence on the syllabus topics through unlimited practice attempts.

Broadcom 250-578 Sample Questions:

01. Which Monitoring Point modelssupport VLAN tagged interfaces?
Hardware Monitoring Points only
b) Container-based Monitoring Points only
c) Hardware, Container-based, and Virtual Monitoring Points
d) Hardware, Virtual, and Global Monitoring Points

02. Four network paths are aggregated into one line on a Current Network Violation Map. What color is the line if the current path statuses are: OK (green), Disabled (grey), Violated (red), OK (green)
b) Red
c) Green
d) Grey

03. Your company has adopted a hybrid work environment where employees have the flexibility to work from an office or from home. When an employee reports a performance issue, you want to be able to quickly pinpoint (or rule out) the health of their internet connection, regardless of where they work from on a given day.
What isthe best approach in AppNeta for your use case?
Network pathsfrom Native Monitoring Points on user workstations to a Global Monitoring Target
b) Network pathsfrom Global Monitoring Pointsto a Global Monitoring Target
c) Web pathsfrom Native Monitoring Points on user workstations test HTTP connectivity to a web application
d) Web pathsfrom Global Monitoring Pointsload a web application in a browser

04. In the Experience component, you are setting up a Web App Group with a browser workflow to simulate a user logging into, then out of a web app. Occasionally a pop-up must be dismissed in the app between the login and logout actions.
Which command do you use to dismiss the pop-up when it appears?
b) clickAndWait
c) assertAlertPresent
d) clickIfVisible

05. You are creating dual-ended network paths in Delivery to monitor a QoS queue. You have already created a custom alert profile that will violate when QoS is altered by the network. When customizing the network path settings, you notice your custom alert profile is missing from the picklist.
Why isn’t the alert profile in the list?
A QoS template was not selected in the path settings
b) The connectivity test was skipped when specifying the path targets
c) No QoS queue was detected during the connectivity test
d) QoS templates are not supported for dual-ended paths

06. Which AppNeta alerts can be temporarily muted while continuing to monitor performance?
Delivery alerts(network paths)
b) Experience alerts (web paths)
c) Usage alerts(traffic analysis)
d) Delivery and Experience alerts

07. You have AppNeta Native Monitoring Points deployed on end user workstations running macOS. What is the result if an end-user quits the menu bar app?
The Monitoring Point is uninstalled, and all monitoring data is deleted
b) All monitoring from the workstation is disabled until the app is restarted
c) Automatic software updates are disabled until the app is restarted
d) All monitoring and automatic software updates are disabled until the app is restarted

08. In the Location Bandwidth Quality Report, when configuring an Office for a location with an asymmetric link, which would make a better reference path?
Single-ended network path
b) Dual-ended network path
c) Browser web path
d) HTTP web path

09. You want to centrally manage user accessto your AppNeta SaaS organization and decide to set up SAML-based SSO. Which of the following steps is Broadcom’s responsibility?
Generate the AppNeta SAML metadata file
b) Decide which AppNeta organizationsshould use SSO
c) Choose a keyword for the custom sign-on URL
d) Generate the Identity Provider’s SAML metadata file

10. What is the first step to obtain an AppNeta On-Prem upgrade?
Enable the remote maintenance tunnel in the AppNeta On-Prem portal
b) Click the Upgrade Now button in the AppNeta On-Prem portal
c) Download the latest release from the Broadcom Support portal
d) Broadcom Support will coordinate a maintenance window


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: d
Question: 05
Answer: a
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: b
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: d

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