Splunk Core Consultant (SPLK-3003) Certification Sample Questions

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These Splunk SPLK-3003 sample questions are simple and basic questions similar to the actual Splunk Core Consultant questions. If you want to evaluate your preparation level, we suggest taking our Splunk Core Certified Consultant Premium Practice Test. You might face difficulties while solving the real-exam-like questions. But, you can work hard and build your confidence on the syllabus topics through unlimited practice attempts.

Splunk SPLK-3003 Sample Questions:

01. A customer has three users and is planning to ingest 250GB of data per day. They are concerned with search uptime, can tolerate up to a two-hour downtime for the search tier, and want advice on single search head versus a search head cluster (SHC).
Which recommendation is the most appropriate?
a) The customer should deploy two active search heads behind a load balancer to support HA.
b) The customer should deploy a SHC with a single member for HA; more members can be added later.
c) The customer should deploy a SHC, because it will be required to support the high volume of data.
d) The customer should deploy a single search head with a warm standby search head and an rsync process to synchronize configurations.
02. Which of the following server roles should be configured for a host which indexes its internal logs locally?
a) Cluster master
b) Indexer
c) Monitoring Console (MC)
d) Search head
03. A non-ES customer has a concern about data availability during a disaster recovery event. Which of the following Splunk Validated Architectures (SVAs) would be recommended for that use case?
a) Topology Category Code: M4
b) Topology Category Code: M14
c) Topology Category Code: C13
d) Topology Category Code: C3
04. In addition to the normal responsibilities of a search head cluster captain, which of the following is a default behavior?
a) The captain is not a cluster member and does not perform normal search activities.
b) The captain is a cluster member who performs normal search activities.
c) The captain is not a cluster member but does perform normal search activities.
d) The captain is a cluster member but does not perform normal search activities.
05. When monitoring and forwarding events collected from a file containing unstructured textual events, what is the difference in the Splunk2Splunk payload traffic sent between a universal forwarder (UF) and indexer compared to the Splunk2Splunk payload sent between a heavy forwarder (HF) and the indexer layer?
(Assume that the file is being monitored locally on the forwarder.)
a) The payload format sent from the UF versus the HF is exactly the same. The payload size is identical because they’re both sending 64K chunks.
b) The UF will generally send the payload in the same format, but only when the sourcetype is specified in the inputs.conf and EVENT_BREAKER_ENABLE is set to true.
c) The HF sends a stream of 64K TCP chunks with one set of metadata fields attached to represent the entire stream, whereas the UF sends individual events, each with their own metadata fields attached.
d) The UF sends a stream of data containing one set of medata fields to represent the entire stream, whereas the HF sends individual events, each with their own metadata fields attached, resulting in a lager payload.
06. The Splunk Validated Architectures (SVAs) document provides a series of approved Splunk topologies. Which statement accurately describes how it should be used by a customer?
a) Customer should look at the category tables, pick the highest number that their budget permits, then select this design topology as the chosen design.
b) Customers should identify their requirements, provisionally choose an approved design that meets them, then consider design principles and best practices to come to an informed design decision.
c) Using the guided requirements gathering in the SVAs document, choose a topology that suits requirements, and be sure not to deviate from the specified design.
d) Choose an SVA topology code that includes Search Head and Indexer Clustering because it offers the highest level of resilience.
07. In a large cloud customer environment with many (>100) dynamically created endpoint systems, each with a UF already deployed, what is the best approach for associating these systems with an appropriate serverclass on the deployment server?
a) Work with the cloud orchestration team to create a common host-naming convention for these systems so a simple pattern can be used in the serverclass.conf whitelist attribute.
b) Create a CSV lookup file for each severclass, manually keep track of the endpoints within this CSV file, and leverage the whitelist.from_pathname attribute in serverclass.conf.
c) Work with the cloud orchestration team to dynamically insert an appropriate clientName setting into each endpoint’s local/deploymentclient.conf which can be matched by whitelist in serverclass.conf.
d) Using an installation bootstrap script run a CLI command to assign a clientName setting and permit serverclass.conf whitelist simplification.
08. When utilizing a subsearch within a Splunk SPL search query, which of the following statements is accurate?
a) Subsearches have to be initiated with the | subsearch command.
b) Subsearches can only be utilized with | inputlookup command.
c) Subsearches have a default result output limit of 10000.
d) There are no specific limitations when using subsearches.
09. A customer has 30 indexers in an indexer cluster configuration and two search heads. They are working on writing SPL search for a particular use-case, but are concerned that it takes too long to run for short time durations.
How can the Search Job Inspector capabilities be used to help validate and understand the customer concerns?
a) Search Job Inspector provides statistics to show how much time and the number of events each indexer has processed.
b) Search Job Inspector provides a Search Health Check capability that provides an optimized SPL query the customer should try instead.
c) Search Job Inspector cannot be used to help troubleshoot the slow performing search; customer should review index=_introspection instead.
d) The customer is using the transaction SPL search command, which is known to be slow.
10. Which event processing pipeline contains the regex replacement processor that would be called upon to run event masking routines on events as they are ingested?
a) Merging pipeline
b) Typing pipeline
c) Indexing pipeline
d) Parsing pipeline


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: b
Question: 05
Answer: d
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: b

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