Splunk Cloud Admin (SPLK-1005) Certification Sample Questions

Splunk SPLK-1005 VCE, Cloud Admin Dumps, SPLK-1005 PDF, SPLK-1005 Dumps, Cloud Admin VCE, Splunk Cloud Admin PDFGetting knowledge of the Splunk SPLK-1005 exam structure and question format is vital in preparing for the Splunk Cloud Certified Admin certification exam. Our Splunk Cloud Admin sample questions offer you information regarding the question types and level of difficulty you will face in the real exam. The benefit of using these Splunk SPLK-1005 sample questions is that you will get to check your preparation level or enhance your knowledge by learning the unknown questions. You will also get a clear idea of the exam environment and exam pattern you will face in the actual exam with the Splunk Cloud Certified Admin Sample Practice Test. Therefore, solve the Splunk Cloud Admin sample questions to stay one step forward in grabbing the Splunk Cloud Certified Administrator credential.

These Splunk SPLK-1005 sample questions are simple and basic questions similar to the actual Splunk Cloud Admin questions. If you want to evaluate your preparation level, we suggest taking our Splunk Cloud Certified Admin Premium Practice Test. You might face difficulties while solving the real-exam-like questions. But, you can work hard and build your confidence on the syllabus topics through unlimited practice attempts.

Splunk SPLK-1005 Sample Questions:

01. An index in Splunk is best described as which of the following?
A query language for data search
b) A real-time data monitoring tool
c) A structured database like SQL
d) A repository for parsed and searchable data

02. How can data be deleted from an index in Splunk?
By using the 'clean' command
b) Through the Splunk Web interface
c) By using the 'delete' command
d) By modifying the rawdata files directly

03. What is the name of the configuration file where you can define data transformations using regular expressions and other attributes?
b) inputs.conf
c) props.conf
d) limits.conf

04. Which of these tasks would typically be managed by a Splunk Cloud administrator?
(Choose two)
a) Creating and managing Splunk alerts
b) Physical server maintenance
c) Managing app and add-on installations
d) Designing network infrastructure

05. What is the name of the option that you need to check in Splunk Web to enable LDAP authentication for your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment?
b) External
c) LDAP/External

06. In Splunk Cloud topology, what role does the "Deployment Server" play?
Manages user accounts and authentication
b) Distributes configurations to forwarders
c) Aggregates and analyzes log data
d) Provides hardware and network support

07. Which configuration file needs to be edited to configure the universal forwarder to act as a deployment client?
b) outputs.conf
c) server.conf
d) inputs.conf

08. Deployment apps in Splunk can be used to manage forwarders in which ways?
Providing real-time data analysis
b) Distributing configuration changes and updates
c) Storing data locally on the forwarders
d) Encrypting data on the forwarders

09. Which feature of forwarders can prevent data loss in case of network failure or congestion?
Data compression
b) Configurable buffering
c) Persistent queues
d) SSL security

10. Which setting in inputs.conf can be used to set the host field to a static value for a monitor input?
b) host_override
c) host_segment
d) host_regex


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: a, c
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: b
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: a

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